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New in November 2024: Gain/Loss Summary, Fee Imports, Main Management

NovemberNewsletter_Blog_1-1Manage higher-volume trades across multiple accounts. 

The new Gain/Loss Summary metrics allows advisors to see a comprehensive view of aggregate gains and losses, at both the household level and the account level. Advisors will now see a range of new features available throughout Altruist, to enhance their tax base reporting experience. 

Group 469322Unrealized Losses

At the household level, we've added a new aggregate unrealized loss reporting across taxable accounts - with easy access to a filterable table of accounts to help advisors identify potential tax-loss harvesting opportunities.


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Summary Cards 

We've also enhanced household level and account level cost basis data for advisors and their clients. New summary cards will provide an easy view of gains and losses, categorized by short-term and long-term. Using our new filter, advisors can further tailor card results by limiting output to only taxable or nontaxable accounts. 


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The Holdings tab now includes a quick snapshot of realized and unrealized gains and losses, at both the household level and the account level. This makes it much easier to calculate tax base and identify tax-loss harvesting opportunities. 

Gain/Loss Summary metrics help advisors identify tax-saving opportunities and track the progress of tax-loss harvesting. Paired with TaxIQ - our suite of automated tax management tools - advisors can now seamlessly report on Altruist's programmatic tax optimizations. 



Advisory fee processing has been simplified. 

The new Fee Import feature enables advisors to transfer advisory fees from client accounts to their house account, when fees are calculated outside of Altruist. This feature is designed to streamline advisory fee processing. 

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Import Fees 

Now advisors can download a sample fee template CSV from the Fee Import Page, to help guide them on what key details are required before uploading their fee billing CSV. If any details are missing when the CSV is uploaded, advisors will be notified and clearly shown where the errors exist, so they won't encounter any delays later on. 

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Actionable Error Messaging 

To help advisors save time and avoid any issues with erroneous uploaded fee billing CSVs (such as missing account numbers, unsupported currency symbols, or incorrect fee formats), we've now added a clear error message on the Fee Import Page. When clicked, the downloaded CSV will show exactly where the issues are so advisors can easily fix any errors before re-uploading. Fee processing will be blocked if any of the following errors are detected in the CSV: 

  • File size is too large
  • Missing column headers.
  • Invalid account numbers.
  • Insufficient cash to process fees.
  • Closed, restricted, or pending account status.
  • Duplicate accounts in the CSV file.

 NovemberNewsletter_Blog_1-2Introducing Main Management onto the Model Marketplace 

Main Management (Cost: 0-12 bps/yr) 

A pioneer in managing ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) portfolios, Main Management is committed to delivering transparent, cost-efficient, and customized investment solutions to RIA's and their clients.

By combining the insights of experienced investment professionals with smart implementation vehicles, Main Management offers a unique approach that translates into distinct advantages for our clients, including broad diversification, cost efficiency, and complete transparency.

Active Sector Rotation Series

A model that pairs top-down, tax-aware management—primarily through passive sector and industry-based ETFs—with a bottom-up focus on fundamentals, valuations, and industry trends.

All Asset Dynamic Series

Combines Main’s best ideas packaged into a comprehensive, tax-aware, globally-diversified  solution.

All Asset Series

Combination of Main’s best ideas packaged into a single solution across the risk spectrum. The investment process selects from a wide array of asset classes to create a comprehensive, globally diversified solution and is managed in a tax-aware manner.

BuyWrite Series

A hedged equity strategy that targets lower volatility and pays out monthly income. BuyWrite is managed in a tax aware manner, and may fit as an alternative to equities, high yield, or a traditional equity/bond-blended portfolio.

International Series

Managed from the top-down in a tax-aware manner – using passive non-US country and region-based ETFs, paired with a bottom-up approach by focusing on fundamentals, valuations, and global trends.

Thematic Series

A global strategy using custom baskets of equities that target innovative and disruptive industries with large total addressable markets. The strategy is managed in a tax-aware manner.

Screenshot 2024-11-25 at 9.45.43 AMSearch by account number in Global Search  

Our Global Search functionality now allows you to search by full or partial account number, so you can easily locate you client's accounts and performance. Instead of having to search by Client name and then search across accounts, you can now just simply type in the account number in the Search field, and it will automatically pop up. 

To access Search easily, just type "Command+K (Mac)" or "CTRL+K (PC) to open it. 

TaxIQ tax management tools (including, but not limited to tax loss harvesting) may lead to unfavorable tax impact depending on a number of factors including customer account holdings and asset location. TaxIQ Tools (including, but not limited to tax loss harvesting) may be impacted by a number of factors including a portfolio’s rebalancer and/or fund substitute settings. See the Altruist TaxIQ Tools and Rebalancer Disclosures document on for more information. Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs) are solely responsible for monitoring client accounts to ensure TaxIQ tools and settings are operating as intended. Neither Altruist nor its affiliates provide tax or legal advice or discretionary management of customer accounts. Customers are encouraged to consult their attorney, tax professional and/or investment advisor regarding their individual circumstance.

Altruist LLC and its affiliates (together, “Altruist”) and the Model Marketplace model providers do not render investment advice to retail clients, rather Altruist makes available certain model portfolios for independent RIAs’ use in managing their retail investment clients’ assets. RIAs are responsible for suitability of all transactions in and decisions regarding client accounts, and must maintain trading authority over client accounts which are subscribed to Model Marketplace model portfolios.

Certain instructions from model providers who are providing models to the Altruist Model Marketplace may not be executed based on system limitations, including securities that are not available to trade on the Altruist platform and rebalancing instructions that are not supported by the Rebalancer and trades that are below supported minimum trade sizes. Performance of individual accounts assigned to a model portfolio may deviate from the target model performance as a result of a number of factors, including Rebalancer settings, and timing and amount of cash flows and system limitations that impact execution of model provider instructions. Model Marketplace portfolios utilize Altruist's Rebalancer and may use Altruist's TaxIQ tax management tools. See the TaxIQ Tools & Rebalancer disclosure available at

For more information on Altruist’s Model Marketplace please see the Form ADV Part 2A, Model Marketplace Agreement and Altruist LLC Fee Schedule on

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