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How Financial Advisors can Market to Gen X

How Financial Advisors can Market to Gen X

Gen X is set to inherit trillions of dollars from older generations in the coming years. In fact, the cohort of Americans currently aged 43-58 is projected to control $85 trillion in investable assets by 2045. This so-called “great wealth transfer” is already underway – and so is the competition among advisors to manage those assets. 

But Gen X clients will have different expectations for financial advice than their parents did, and serving them will require a different playbook. Your firm’s future growth may hinge on understanding it.

Let’s explore what a winning Gen X marketing approach could look like. 

Crafting a digital-first marketing strategy for Gen-X

Gen-X clients will expect a digital-first experience combined with human advice. This generation is comfortable with technology and presume it will be integrated into their financial lives, yet also values building a personal connection with an advisor.

The ideal Gen X marketing strategy will include the best of both worlds, blending tech savviness with personal engagement. To succeed in this approach, you’ll need two things: a well-designed website, and compelling content.

Why your website matters

A responsive, easy-to-navigate website is non-negotiable for attracting and retaining Gen X clients. These folks have witnessed the evolution of the internet from its infancy and have adapted to it along the way. They know good websites from bad ones – and they’ll expect the person managing their money to as well.

When designing your site, here are a few things to consider:

1. Optimize the user experience

Gen X expects quick page load times, clear copy, and intuitive navigation across your site.  They will also want to see seamless functionality across devices, from desktop, to tablet, to smartphone. Negative experiences like forcing users to zoom in to read text or fight through page drift on mobile will risk causing them to bounce.

2. Speak to your target audience

Consider the unique needs and concerns of potential Gen X clients, and tailor your site to touch on those topics. Speaking directly to the challenges of that stage in life, like balancing the demands of late career advancement, family responsibilities, and planning for retirement. 

3. Add trust-building elements 

Trust is the bedrock of any advisor-client relationship. Since your website is a key touchpoint in a typical client acquisition journey, prioritize trust signals to potential clients. A few ideas for what to include:

  • Case studies from existing clients
  • Articles you’ve written or been quoted in
  • Professional certifications 
  • Clear contact information
  • Links to your social media profiles

How to use content as a differentiator

There are over 330,000 financial advisors operating in the U.S. So how can advisors stand out in this crowded field? One proven strategy to differentiate yourself and your firm is to focus on quality content that resonates with your ideal client profile. 

Creating content is one of the most effective strategies to demonstrate your knowledge and values to a broad audience. If you’re hoping to serve more Gen X clients, let them first get to know you through the content you produce. This will help them envision the ways you can add value to their financial lives. It will help them understand what you stand for – and stand against. And when done right, it will help them come to trust you before ever speaking to you directly. 

That’s what James Conole of Root Financial discovered after he began making YouTube videos. By creating video content that spoke to his target audience, Conole amassed 32.5K subscribers and his strategy helped add over $220M in AUM.

But even great content can fizzle without the right format and distribution strategy. So, what is the best medium for advisors to communicate their ideas to a Gen X audience?


While a blog might not be the most cutting-edge content channel in 2024, it has nonetheless remained an effective one. Blogging allows you to delve into topics important to Gen X, offering insights to help them better understand the challenges they’re facing – and how they might benefit from advice. This format can help you establish your voice in the financial advisory field, attract organic search traffic, and even generate leads.

Email marketing

Gen X is comfortable being marketed to via email. In fact, statistically, email is the single most common online purchase channel for Gen X consumers. It’s also a reliable place to reach your audience, as 96% of users check their emails on a daily basis.

Experimenting with email marketing funnels and lead generation magnets (like eBooks, checklists, or webinars) can help you better understand what resonates with your target Gen X audience. These tools not only provide value to potential clients, but also steer them towards taking further action, like booking an introductory call. 

For more ideas, check out our guide to email marketing for financial advisors.

Social Media

Although they weren’t born with social media, Gen X is well accustomed to it by now. According to a recent study, 90% of Gen Xers use social platforms and nearly 40% check them daily. Engaging with Gen X on social media requires a strategic approach. Facebook and YouTube are the most preferred platforms among this generation, but Instagram and TikTok are gaining steam.  

For best practices about posting, interacting with followers, and leveraging targeted ads to reach specific audiences, don’t miss our guide to social media marketing for financial advisors

Build a plan for generational retention

Your marketing strategy should focus mainly on the present – but it should also keep an eye on the future. Because tens of trillions of dollars will transfer to Gen X in the coming years, advisors who serve multi-generational clients should be thinking about how to retain those families. 

When assets inevitably change hands, don’t assume you’ll be part of the next generation’s financial plans. In fact, studies show that among children who inherit significant wealth, between 70-90% immediately fire their parents’ financial advisor following the inheritance.

What can you do to prevent that from happening?

First, consider engaging clients’ children through educational resources and tailored communication strategies to help fortify those connections. Appeal to the challenges they’re facing – not just those of their parents. Highlight success stories of multi-generational client relationships through testimonials and case studies to reinforce the value of your advice.

But your approach is only half the story. The other half is the tools you use. 

If you’re serious about retention, focus on building a business that younger generations can be excited about working with. Provide quality advice backed by systems that align with their expectations around usability, speed, and efficiency. 

Why Altruist?

Traditional custodians are burdened by complex systems and outdated technology. That’s why Altruist is building a better model, empowering advisors to provide digital-first experiences that resonate with Gen X clients. 

If you're curious to discover more about how Altruist can future-proof your business, please reach out to our team.

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