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3 marketing tips for the forward-thinking financial advisor

One of the biggest mistakes financial advisors can make on their website content is focusing on their credentials, rather than their credibility.

It’s not about what makes you qualified to manage and invest for your clients, but rather the quality of the service you provide.

Let’s step into the shoes of an individual investor performing an online search to find the right advisor. 

You land on a website page and the advisor lists off their degrees and honors. You open up another search tab and find yourself watching a video where an advisor is explaining how to save for retirement during a pandemic. If that is the exact topic that keeps you up at night -- which advisor has captured your interest?

So how can you apply this across your marketing strategy? Here are three tips directly from Samantha Russell, a marketing expert in the financial services industry.

1. Solve Your Prospective Client’s Problem

Using the problem-solution technique can really help financial advisors create compelling content. What challenges are your prospective clients facing? What unique solution can you provide? Outline your approach and present it via your prospect’s preferred channel -- audio, video, written, etc.

2. Specialization > Generalization

You may have heard that marketing is a numbers game. The wider the net you cast, the better your chance of catching something. However, contrary to popular belief, in the financial services industry, the opposite rings true. Instead of following the traditional marketing mindset, fish with a spear. When you focus your outreach on a niche with the right tone of voice and messaging, you will be better equipped to make meaningful connections with your audience.

3. Consistency is Key

The biggest marketing hack -- across all industries -- is to always be producing content. Whether that means writing weekly blog posts, recording videos, or producing podcasts, publishing on a schedule is important to build credibility in your space. More so, you can prolong the life cycle of your content by repurposing and sharing it across channels. For example, if you publish a blog post, you can also share it on your social channels and record a short video on the same topic. You can also send an email to your database and add it to your monthly newsletter. Giving your content many lives ensures it will get in front of the right person at the right time. And your audience will begin to rely on you for new and relevant content, and when they’re ready to convert, you’ll be their first choice.

The best way to develop and execute a successful marketing plan is to align your marketing strategy with your business strategy. What are your overall goals and how can your next campaign inch you closer to realizing this objective?

To learn more about Samantha Russell and her services, visit Twenty Over Ten.

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